Dog Broken Leg Recovery - Tips to Help Your Dog's Bones Heal Properly

Broken Dog Leg Recovery – Tips to Help Dog Bones Heal Properly

Leg injuries in dogs are pretty common. As a pet parent, it’s possible that your dog will someday suffer from a broken leg. But what about the aftermath and the fracture healing process? Once you bring your dog home from the vet, follow these 11 tips to help your dog stay on track and recover faster.

1. GIVE THEM ATTENTION: When you first bring your dog home, it is a good idea to stay home with them for a couple of days. If you can’t stay home, try to see if a neighbor or relative can stay with your dog or check up on them. When a dog is in pain, he or can get agitated. This can cause them to move excessively or gnaw on their cast. Having someone there to comfort them can help address this anxiety.

2. SHORT LEASH WALKS: During recovery, your dog will need assisted potty breaks. You should NEVER allow them to go outside during the recovery period without a short leash as they can get the zoomies and make their injuries worse. Slowly walk them to and from a comfortable grassy area every 2-3 hours.

3. SWITCH TO SPECIALIZED FOOD: A dog in recovery may need extra nutrients to support the healing process. Nutrients help to rebuild bone and provide the strength and energy to recover. If you give your dog commercial food, check the ingredients label to ensure that you are giving them a high quality food. You can also try incorporating some homemade calcium-rich foods into their food. For some ideas on calcium rich foods you can add, check out our blog on Calcium for Dogs.

How to Help Your Dog Recovery From a Broken Leg

4. CONSIDER ADDING A SUPPLEMENT: If your dog is not already taking a bone and joint supplement, consider adding one to their daily regimen. As far as bone health options go, Boneo Canine is definitely worth discussing with your veterinarian. This all natural formula contains lactoferrin, a milk derived protein that has been shown to help support healthy bone turnover in dogs.    
5. FOLLOW MEDICATION AND FOLLOW UP INSTRUCTIONS: Take care to finish prescribed medications, particularly antibiotics. Even if your dog seems like he is feeling better, infection can happen if you fail to complete the course of antibiotics. Infection is one the main reasons that dogs do not heal properly after a broken leg. You may want to discuss the option of canine rehabilitation with your veterinarian. This will come after/during recovery and should not be considered an alternative for visiting your veterinarian when the injury is acute.

6. KEEP THE CONE ON: Stitches, bandages, and casts can come loose when teeth get to them. Moreover, saliva carries bacteria and can cause infection. Keep the cone on at all times to prevent this from happening - especially when you are not around. If your dog is whiny, there are soft cone options available that are more comfortable.

7. GO TO ALL CHECK-UPS: Dogs are notorious for moving around in their excitement or agitation. This can cause shifts in a broken bone or cause a splint to come loose. If left unchecked, a broken bone can improperly set. Therefore, it is important to go to all scheduled vet check-ups after a broken bone. The x-ray can ensure that healing is happening properly.

8. RESTRICT ACTIVITY: The most common reason for delayed healing after a broken leg is excessive movement. Your dog may be feeling better with all the anti-inflammatory medications and painkillers. But until your veterinarian has OKed activity, keep your dog confined or tied down. Do not leave your dog unsupervised with any kind of restraints as they can get tangled up. The best scenario if your dog must be left alone is a secure crate.

9. AVOID STAIRS AND FURNITURE: Your dog should not be doing any kind of jumping up and down. If you have to take your dog up and down stairs, lift him up until he’s cleared to walk on his own. Do not let your dog sleep on any high furniture as they can jump off and worsen their injury.

10. HYGIENE IS EVERYTHING: Infection is a threat after acute trauma. Keep bandages clean and free of moisture. Check incisions for any kind of inflammation or unusual odor. Provide clean bedding regularly.

Will a dog's broken leg heal on its own?

It is dangerous to allow a dog's broken leg to heal untreated or without the supervision of a veterinarian. While a broken bone does naturally heal on its own (through the bone remodeling process), that does not mean it will heal properly or set correctly. Improperly set bones can cause permanent deformities. Moreover, once bone has fused it cannot be reset. Bad positioning of a broken bone can also make your dog more susceptible to future fractures from weight bearing activities.

How do dog's bones heal?

The process of bone healing is called bone remodeling. After a fracture, your dog’s body has specialized cells that build new bone. The video below shows how the fracture healing process in dogs works.

What is a dog's broken leg healing time?

The healing time for a broken leg in a puppy is relatively short (2 to 4 weeks). Younger dogs have more bone building cells and are growing anyway, so their bones are constantly remodeling. For adult dogs, the healing time for a broken leg is 6 to 12 weeks. These time frames can differ based on the severity and nature of the fracture. Bone healing should always happen under the supervision of a veterinarian. Failure to do so can result in the bone setting improperly.

How can I keep my dog's bones strong and healthy?

Preventive measures can help avoid injuries in the future. If your dog has a broken bone, bone and joint support from nutrition and supplementation can be useful addition to their health regimen. Your dog will require their bone building cells to work on overdrive and can benefit from extra nutrients and minerals.

As far as a natural supplement for strong bones, Boneo Canine, is definitely worth discussing with your veterinarian. This all natural supplement for dogs is not like traditional glucosamine, chondroitin or MSM products which only support the joints- it also supports strong bones by stimulating healthy bone turnover.

Check out this video to learn all about how the benefits of this unique supplement:


  1. Sources of Calcium For Dogs - Requirements and Balance. Boneo Canine® . DOI.
  2. Canine Rehabilitation Institute. DOI.
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